Майк Хаккаби — ревнитель христианской Америки

Моргана Андреевна Девлин

В статье проанализированы возможности Майка Хаккаби стать кандидатом в президенты США на выборах 2016 года, а также некоторые детали его биографии и его предвыборной программы. Рассмотрены позиции Хаккаби по ключевым вопросам политики США.

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Ключевые слова: президентская избирательная кампания-2016 в США, Республиканская партия, «ястребы», Майк Хаккаби, US Presidential Elections 2016, GOP, Hawks, Mike Huckabee

Список литературы

1. Суммированные данные опросов взяты с сайта RCP (2016 Republican Presidential Nomination). URL: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/2016_republican_presidential_nomination-3823.html

2. HenschM. Huckabee: I’m ‘only person’ to take on Clinton machine / The Hill. June 6, 2015. URL: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-primaries/244219-huckabee-im-only-person-to-take-on-clinton-machine

3. Parker A., Corasaniti N. Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee, in Blow to Their Campaigns, Are Cut From Main Debate Stage // NYTimes. November 5, 2015. URL: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/06/chris-christie-and-mike-huckabee-in-blow-to-their-campaigns-are-cut-from-main-debate-stage.html

4. Sherfinski D. Mike Huckabee on bump from main GOP debate stage: ‘Rules are rules’ // The Washington Times. November 9, 2015. URL: http://www.washingtontimes.com news/2015/nov/9/mike-huckabee-bump-main-gop-debate-stage-rules-are/

5. Garcia C. Mike Huckabee says he ‘loves’ Donald Trump and his line of ties // The Week. October 28, 2015. URL: http://www.theweek.com/speedreads/585792/mike-huckabee-says-loves-donald-trump-line-ties

6. Time names the five best governors in America // Time. November 13, 2005. URL: http://www.content.time.com/time/press_releases/article/0,8599,1129509,00.html

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8. DelReal J.A. For Mike Huckabee, it may be the journey — not the destination // The Washington Post. November 17, 2015. URL: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/for-mike-huckabee-it-may-be-the-journey—not-the-destination/2015/11/17/4b72edf4-87e1-11e5-be39-0034bb576eee_story.htm

9. Pengelly M. Huckabee defends claim that Iran deal will ‘march Israelis to oven door’ // The Guardian. July 26, 2015. URL: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/26/huckabee-iran-nuclear-deal-obama-marching-israelis-to-door-of-the-oven

10. Beaumont P. Mike Huckabee blunders his way through Israel press conference // The Guardian. August 19, 2015. URL: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/19/mike-huckabee-blunders-his-way-through-israel-press-conference

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12. Хаккаби: Во внешней политике Путин свернул Обаму, как ролл «Калифорния» / РИА «Новости». 2015. 9 октября. URL: http://ria.ru/world/20151009/1299448416.html

13. Kaczynski A. Donald Trump And Mike Huckabee Argue The U.S. Is Too Cold For Syrian Refugees // BuzzFeedNews. November 17, 2015. URL: http://www.buzzfeed.com andrewkaczynski/donald-trump-and-mike-huckabee-argue-the-us-is-too-cold-for#. kdG2ZmYmM

14. Pengelly M., Dart T., Siddiqui S. Cruz and Rubio lead Republican charge against Obama over Syria policy // The Guardian. November 15, 2015. URL: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/14/republican-candidates-ted-cruz-mike-huckabee-paris-terror-attacks

15. Governor Mike Huckabee: “If Anybody Ought to be Taking in Syrian Refugees, it Ought to be People in the Middle East” / FOX news. November 14, 2015. URL: http://radio. http://foxnews.com/2015/11/14/governor-mike-huckabee-if-anybody-ought-to-be-taking-in-syrian-refugees-it-ought-to-be-people-in-the-middle-east

16. Paul R. Rand Paul on Diplomacy / The National Interest. January 16, 2014. URL: http:// http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/rand-paul-diplomacy-9714

17. Weigel D. Mike Huckabee open to tariffs on China // The Washington Post. August 13, 2015. URL: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/08/13/mike-huckabee-open-to-tariffs-on-china

18. Worland J. Mike Huckabee Supports Denying Abortion to 10-Year-Old Rape Victim // Time. August 16, 2015. URL: http://www.time.com/3999799/mike-huckabee-abortion-rape

19. Zaimov S. Ben Carson: Abortion Like ‘Slavery’; Wrong in Cases of Rape and Incest // The Christian Post. October 28, 2015. URL: http://www.christianpost.com/news/ben-carson-abortion-slavery-rape-incest-politics-republican-148566

20. Pithey N. Ben Carson: I Would Not Abort Baby Hitler // The Huffington Post. November12, 2015. URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ben-carson-baby-hitler_5643f6d9e4b045bf3dedcac9

21. Zezima K. Mike Huckabee offers support to Kentucky clerk who refuses to issue gay marriage licenses // The Washington Post. September 2, 2015. URL: http://www.washingtonpost. com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/09/02/mike-huckabee-offers-support-to-kentucky-clerk-who-refuses-to-issue-gay-marriage-licenses/

22. Boguhn A. Campaign Week in Review: Mike Huckabee Pushes ‘Personhood’ to Outlaw Abortion // RH Reality Check. November 6, 2015. URL: http://www.rhrealitycheck.org article/2015/11/06/campaign-week-review-mike-huckabee-pushes-personhood-outlaw-abortion/

23. Swoyer A. Mike Huckabee: Fair Tax Changes “Whole Idea of Illegal Immigration” // Breitbart News. October 30, 2015. URL: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/30/mike-huckabee-fair-tax-changes-whole-idea-illegal-immigration

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24030/2409-2517-2016-1-222-228

Для цитирования: Девлин М.А. Майк Хаккаби — ревнитель христианской Америки. Тетради по консерватизму. 2016;3(1):222-228. DOI:10.24030/2409-2517-2016-1-222-228

For citation: Devlin M.A. Mike Huckabee: Ardent Defender of a Christian America. Almanac “Essays on Conservatism”. 2016;3(1):222-228. (In Russ.) DOI:10.24030/2409-2517-2016-1-222-228